Music, and live experiences in general, have always been passions of mine. They are responsible for most of my memorable moments and have a profound impact on my sense of happiness and well-being. Research and education were, initially, simply a career prospect due to my intrinsic curiosity to learn. With time, they have become passions and life purposes.
With LiveInnovation.org, I wish to inspire students and connect with industry stakeholders and academics, to discuss timely topics related to music, marketing, human behavior, technology and innovation. Personally, I believe it is the duty of academics and educators to develop content, which is both accessible and inspiring and that can be reached outside the university environment.
This way, hopefully students will become even more curious about research and life. And passionate about music.
Is your curiosity alive?
Prof. Dr. Francisco Tigre Moura
Professor of Marketing at IU University of Applied Science (Bad Honnef, Germany)
Contact: francisco.tigre-moura@iu.org

I have lectured marketing research courses for over ten years in high education institutions in countries such as Brazil (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – 2008-2009), England (University of Derby – 2012-2013), before joining IU University of Applied Sciences (Germany) in 2013. My lecturing career also includes guest lectures in other intrnational universities (New Zealand, Hungary, and Germany).
As researcher, my interests involve artificial creativity, consumer behavior in the entertainment sector and technology experiences. Outcomes of my previous research have been published by leading international scientific journals, at international conferences, book chapters and specialized media.
In 2016 I launched a site titled “LiveInnovation.org” (Previously, MusicStats.org), an educational and research oriented website aimed at discussing and sharing research outcomes.

- Tigre Moura, F., Castrucci, C. and Hindley, C. (2023), Artificial Intelligence Creates Art? An Experimental Investigation of Value and Creativity Perceptions. Journal of Creative Behavior.
- Tigre Moura, F. (2023), Artificial Intelligence, Creativity, and Intentionality: The Need for a Paradigm Shift. Journal of Creative Behavior.
- Tigre Moura, F., & Maw, C. (2021). Artificial intelligence became Beethoven: how do listeners and music professionals perceive artificially composed music?. Journal of Consumer Marketing.
- Tigre Moura, F.; Nobis, C.; Carnicelli Filho, S. (2017). Virtual Reality and the Decision Making Process of German Senior Travelers: A Cross-Medium Comparison. CAUTHE Conference, Dunedin (New Zealand).
- Tigre Moura, F.; Singh, N.; Chun, W. (2016). The Influence of Culture on Website Design and Users’ Perceptions: Three Systematic Reviews. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (Vol 17, N.4)
- Tigre Moura, F; Gnoth, J.; Deans, K.R. (2015). Localizing Cultural Values on Tourism Destination Websites: The Effects on Users’ Willingness to Travel and Destination Image. Journal of Travel Research (Vol. 54, Issue 4).
- Moura, F. T., Gnoth, J., & Deans, K. R. (2012). The Effects of Localising Cultural Values on Tourism Destination Websites on Tourist’s Willingness to Travel. E-review of Tourism Research, 10(2), 43-46.

Music has always been my main form of escapism, a door to allow me to enter imaginary worlds and immediately feel different sensations.
So writing songs is the way I found to have fun with my ideas, share thoughts and imagine scenes. And often, a therapy to deal with my past. But most often, a way to express love. So to make it clear: I am not a musician. I am a storyteller.
Do not expect perfection. Honesty is all I have to offer.
Chico Tigre.