Welcome to the 2021 edition of the Live FM: Fan Monitor!

And what a ride it has been. 2021 was a year of hope and uncertainty for the industry of live music in Germany and Scotland, but also across the globe. Hope, as many countries managed to vaccinate much of their populations against the Coronavirus and impose public health measures that helped limit the spread of the virus. As a result, the pandemic seemed to be controlled in many parts of the globe. On the other hand, a new raise of cases related to variants of the Coronavirus brought back a sense of uncertainty.

During this period of hope and uncertainty, the industry of live events and concerts restarted its engines. Small venues held events, large arenas reopened with reduced capacity and many outdoor events took place. The entertainment sector was back.

And it was during this period that the 2021 edition of the Live FM: Fan Monitor was conducted. And what exactly is the Live FM: Fan Monitor? It is an applied research project, which aims to investigate attitude and behavioral trends among music fans, through a collaboration between researchers in Germany (IU University of Applied Sciences) and Scotland (University of the West of Scotland).

In the 2021 edition of the monitor we addressed the following topics:

    • Technology innovation: Facial recognition technologies, artificial creativity and virtual reality.
    • Environment and society: Sustainable behaviors, and the role of the music industry in raising awareness to climate change and political topics.
    • Attendance and ticket purchase: Purchase behaviors in 2021, purchase intention towards 2022 and risk perceptions.
    • Marketing and consumption: Music streaming services and vinyl products.


Live FM: Fan Monitor (2021 Edition). Click on the image to download the report.

Who participated in the study?

As in 2021, the study contrasted attitudes and behaviors of music fans in Germany and Scotland. Why? Because the project represents a collaboration between academic from IU University of Applied Sciences and the University of the West of Scotland.

Overall, A total of 1,890 respondents answered the survey. After data screening, a final valid sample of 1,573 respondents was used for the analysis (Germany= 1,173; Scotland=400).

The population of the study was defined as active concert goers, with high involvement towards music.


    • Technology & innovation. First, music fans regard their personal privacy as very important and are rather reluctant to the idea that facial recognition technologies may make venues and live experiences safer. The use of artificial intelligence in music was perceived as positive, but only by respondents with a high familiarity with the topic.Virtual reality remains being perceived as a cutting-edge technology, although the ownership of VR devices and the interest in consuming VR related products in music remains low.
    • Environment and society. Sustainability and climate change are perceived as extremely important topics. Fans are not bothered by the engagement of their favorite artists in environmental issues, and they believe the music industry should do much more the enhance the awareness to the topic. The mix of politics and music remains a sensitive topic. Very few fans follow artists with opposing political view to theirs, and are unsure whether artists should be politically engaged online.
    • Attendance and ticket purchase. Overall, respondents in Scotland were more active in attending concerts in 2021 than respondents in Germany. Respondents in Scotland felt also safer in attending concerts in different venue sizes and formats (indoor and outdoor). Overall, fans in Germany revealed a higher risk perception and were less willing to purchase tickets for 2022.
    • Marketing and consumption. Overall respondents in both countries indicated that they believe music streaming services do not pay a fair amount to musicians. They also revealed a high willingness to switch, given that a new streaming service provider would deliver a fairer pay to musicians.


I would like to express my gratitude to our collaborators Dr. Sandro Carnicelli, Prof. Gayle McPherson and Dr. Emma Reid from the University of the West of Scotland. And to Prof. Dr. Damian Leschik from IU University of Applied Sciences.

Also to the IU University of Applied Sciences for funding the project, through its IU Kompass initiative.

2022 Edition of the Live FM: Fan Monitor

Soon the development of the 2022 Edition of the Fan Monitor will start. Some topics will remain and others will be included. There are a series of relevant topics which will be addressed, and the aim is to strengthen the investigation into sustainability and innovation.

Would you like to collaborate? If so, contact us!