Data collection for the 2022 Edition of the Live FM: FAN MONITOR project is up and running!
This is the third year of the Live FM:FAN MONITOR project, a research initiative aimed at investigating consumer trends in the music industry. Our goal is to understand how fans feel and behave in relatio to topics that are relevant for the industry, but also from an academic perspective. The project is funded by the “Kompass Project” at IU University of Applied Sciences (Germany).
The other scholars involved in the project are Dr. Sandro Carnicelli, Prof. Gayle McPherson and Dr. Emma Reid from the University of the West of Scotland, and Prof. Dr. Damian Leschik from IU University of Applied Sciences.
In previous years we have collected data in Germany and Scotland, allowing for a comparison among fans in both countries.
In the 2022 edition we have decided to address mainly two topics which we deem to be of immense importance for the sector in the years to come: technology innovation and sustainable consumption.
In technology innovation, we tackle three main issues: facial recognition technologies, artificial intelligence and virtual reality. Overall, we wish to understand how these innovatios, created to ensure safety, allow for greater creativity and provide an immersive experience are currently being perceived and adopted by fans.
For sustainable consumption, the main aim is to understand how fans perceive their own consumption behaviors and the behaviors of others during concerts. Also, we tackle specific sustainbale actions that are being taken related to transport, purchase of products, food, waste disposal and much more.
Data collection will run until November 2022 and the report will be published in December 2022 at
Are living in Germany or Scotland and likes attending music concerts? If so, we would truly appreicate if you could take 5 minutes to anwer our study. Simply click on the banner below to participate.
In 2021, the study contrasted attitudes and behaviors of music fans in Germany and Scotland with a final sample of 1,573 respondents (Germany= 1,173; Scotland=400). The population of the study was defined as active concert goers, with high involvement towards music.
Are you interested in discovering the findings from the previous year? You can download the 2021 report for free simply by clicking on the image below.
As researchers, we are always open for opportunities to collaborate with other academics and with industry stakeholders. As mentioned before, all findings are made public at with the intent of providing a valuable contribution to the academia and the industry.
Would you like to collaborate? If so, contact us!