I have always enjoyed asking people philosophical questions. I do not remember ever having been asked “what made me happy”, or “what my main regrets are”. These are impressions we hardly ever make, but once we reflect on them, they are capable of eliciting deep and insightful conclusions.
Melodic Ideas
“Melodic Ideas” is a creative project in which we developed a video series to address questions about music, technology and life. The overall aim of it is to combine a series of respondents with distinct characteristics of age and culture, mostly. And compile their views to trigger a reflection on the view.
With this in mind, during two days of the spring semester of 2019, and with the fantastic support of Anna Grommes and Valeriia Muliukova, we interviewed 34 students and academics from IUBH University of Applied Sciences in Bad Honnef, Germany.
Participants were asked several questions, but in the en we have chosen the following ones to edit and share:
- How would you describe music to someone that cannot hear?
- What would you like to be remembered for?
- Which historical event would you like to relive through virtual reality?
- Artists that use AI to create, are creative?
- What is the most beautiful song ever written?
- Which musician or band most influenced the development of your personality?
- Could you develop human feelings for robots or software?
- What would you still like to do or achieve in life?
And here is the result of our creative project. ENJOY!

Final Thoughts
I certainly have felt very inspired by the answers and thoughts of participants. Filming this little series has made me laugh, wonder and somewhat emotional at times. This is exactly the impact we hope it will cause in viewers, leading people to ask themselves these questions.
So you, my friend, have you ever wondered what you would like to be remembered for?