Have you ever attended a marketing conference?

In case you have not, you should. They can be an incredible experience.

Conferences represent the main opportunity for students (of all levels: Bachelors, Masters and PhD), academics, professionals to meet, network and discuss ideas. There are usually three main areas on a conference:

1. Research presentations: Students, academics and industry professionals present the latest findings from their research projects.

    • What will you gain from it?
      • Meet personally authors that you have previously read.
      • Discover new theories and methodologies that you can later apply on your work.
      • Learn new statistical or qualitative analysis.
      • Gain insights of how to present your own work.
      • Exchange ideas with other researchers that are also studying what you are.

2. Masters/PhD Workshops: Short courses to support postgraduate students. usually they are delivered by academics or other students with greater experience.

    • What will you gain from it?
      • Support to specific questions you have involving topics such as methodology, formatting, relationship with supervisors, finding literature and much more.
      • A different view from your supervisor’s.
      • Networking with other postgraduate students.
      • Enhancing your CV. You will most likely receive certificates of participation that can enhance your profile.

3. Launching of new Products and Books: Considering the selected audience, companies and publishers take the opportunity to showcase their latest launches. It may vary from software, to tangible products, to books and other formats.

    • What will you gain from it?
      • Be one of the first to have contact with latest launches.
      • Network with industry professionals.
      • Introduce and share your work details for potential future job applications.

Do you understand now why attending such conferences are so important? Hope so. Let’s now have a look at the main academic marketing conferences.

List of The Main Academic Marketing Conferences

Generally conferences are usually organized by specific associations within a specific field of marketing. On the list below I have mentioned the organization, so that you can also have follow the work that they do.

But obviously, on their site you can find all information regarding their conference.

Please note: This list is always a “work in progress” and I will always be adding new items to the list.

The ones presented below are listed in alphabetical order.

Here we go

List of Marketing Conferences

1. ACME (Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators)

2. ACR (Association of Consumer Research)

3. AMA (American Marketing Association) –

4. AMS (Academy of Marketing Science) 

5. ANZMAC (Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy)

6. Conference on Historical Analysis and Research in Marketing

7. Consumer Culture Theory Conference

8. EMAC (European Marketing Academy Conference)

9. European Social Marketing Association

10. International Choice Modeling Conference

11. MEA (Marketing Educators Association)​

12. SCP (Society for Consumer Psychology)

13. SMA (Society for Marketing Advances)

14. The Macromarketing Society Conference

Important Information Regarding Marketing Conferences

There are also some other relevant information to help you prepare to attend a marketing conference:

  • When do they happen?
    • It truly depends on the organizers and the culture of the conference. Overall the conferences are spread during the entire year, so you have the chance to attend at least one of them.
  • How often do they happen?
    • The vast majority are annual conferences.
  • Where do the conferences take place?
    • Every year the conferences take place in a different city. The EMAC, for example, are obviously always in Europe. But other examples, such as the World Marketing Congress takes place in a different country.
  • How can you join?
    • Check the website of each individual event to find out how to apply and the important dates:
      • Date and city of the event.
      • Early registration (fees are lower for “early birds”).
      • Deadlines for submission of works.
  • How will your work be evaluated?
    • The submission of papers usually undergo a peer-reviewed process. You will receive a feedback from reviewers and the result of your application: declined, accepted with changes or simply accepted.


Conferences can be an inspiring experience for everyone involved. Every year I try to, at least, attend one of them.

I always feel refreshed to hear other researchers, discuss what I am doing and network. During my PhD at the University of Otago I attended two PhD workshops and they were crucial for me to succeed with my thesis.

Hope to see you somewhere in the world in one the next marketing conferences!