Paper Recommendation: “Artificial Intelligence in the Creative Industries: A Review”

From time to time I am asked by students and fellow researchers about recent and insightful publications on artificial intelligence (AI) or artificial creativity. The...

You Will Enjoy the Music from Algorithms.

The great Italian sculptor Michelangelo has allegedly once said, “Every block of stone has a statue inside and it is the task of the...

AI Tools and the Need to Protect the Legacy of Artists....

For me, one of the wonderful aspects of listening to a song or album, is to imagine how the artist visualized or intended that...

2020: The First “AI Music Creativity Conference”

2020 was a year like no other. No doubt about it. Nevertheless, there were also inspiring news and events, which triggered our curiosity and helped...

Jukebox by OpenAI: Extremely Advanced Example of Music Automation

The automation of the music composition process has come a long way since David Cope and EMI (Experimental Music Intelligence). The latest decade has witnesses...