The Melody of Statistics: SPSS Guide and Statistical Tips
*This article was updated on 16.12.2021.
My friend, do you play guitar? No? (Honestly, what is happening to humanity…). Ok, but have you ever tried...
SPSS Tutorial #5: Independent Samples T-Test
Struggling to understand how to use SPSS for your analysis?
Every semester I face this issue with my students: Panic and insecurity to run certain...
Learn How To Develop A Perfect Questionnaire for a Marketing...
Despite new innovative ways of gathering consumer data, ranging from neuro-scanning to geo-tracking, surveys (online or paper based) are still a popular way of...
Understand the Difference: Research Paper x Dissertation/Thesis
Very often I hear the same comment from students:
"I never really understand the difference between a research paper and a thesis" (Confused Student, 2017).
Writing a Convincing Conclusion Chapter in Your Thesis
Yippee you’ve done it. Just need to write the conclusion, won’t take 2 minutes, just repeat the preceding X number of pages in short...