Learn How To Develop A Perfect Questionnaire for a Marketing...
Despite new innovative ways of gathering consumer data, ranging from neuro-scanning to geo-tracking, surveys (online or paper based) are still a popular way of...
SAMPLING: Understand How to Define Who To Research
"If we don’t know who you researched, we are not interested in what you found out".
Think about it…… “we surveyed 400 people to find...
WRITING A THESIS PROPOSAL: Including a Template to Download
Before starting any research project, you think about it and make a plan. It’s no different with a dissertation/thesis. The thesis proposal (this plan)...
New Video Series: Thesis and Dissertation Tips (The Full Journey)
Are you currently writing your dissertation or thesis?
Every semester I have many students developing bachelor or Masters research projects. And writing it can be...
Literature vs Primary Data Collection: Getting The Timing Right
However many weeks you have to write your thesis (whether Bachelor’s or Master’s) at the beginning it can seem a lifetime and it’s not...